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With the Options command in the File menu you can open the Options dialog which is divided in several tabs.


New Posts

Here you can modify the default options for new posts. BlogDesk will use these defaults when you create a new post - and of course you can change them afterwards.


Select the blog(s) new posts should be published to by default.

Allow Comments

If the readers of the post should be able to comment on it.

Allow Pings

If pings/trackbacks should be allowed.

Publish after Upload

Controls what the blog system will do with the post once uploaded.


If you already created a template, you can use it as a base for your new posts. If you select one, it will overwrite the other options.



Options in this tab concern the edtior.

Show Paragraph-Tags (<p> und <br>)

Within HTML, paragraphs are separated by special tags. If you are editing in Source Mode, those tags can be disturbing. With this option, you can tell BlogDesk to hide the tags. This only affects the editor - if you want to remove all paragraph-tags when publishing (because some blog-systems don't like those tags), you have to activate the corresponding option in the Blog Properties.

Source Editor Font

Select the font you want to use when editing your post in the Source Mode.


Spell Check

Options in this tab concern the integrated spell checker.

Ignore words in UPPERCASE

Words with all letters in uppercase will be ignored

Ignore numbers

Numbers will be ignored.

Ignore words with numbers

Words which contain numbers will be ignored.

Spell check before publishing

Starts the spell check before a post is published.

Dictionaries - Default

In this list you find the installed default dictionaries. Here you can activate dictionaries you want to be used when spell checking. Activating many dictionaries will slow down the checking process.

Dictionaries - Custom

While spell checking you can add unknown words to the dictionary. Here you can activate, create and delete those custom dictionaries.




Just like in any other progam you can save your work whenever you want. If your post already has a title, you can avoid the unnecessary effort to enter a filename. With this option activated, BlogDesk will use the title to automatically build a filename. Your decision is only requested if there is collision with other files.

Save automatically every x minutes

If activated, BlogDesk will automatically save the current post at the given interval.

Ask before uploading a Post

The Do you really want to upload this post question prevents publishing by mistake.

Show ToolTips

If activated, the ToolTips will show up when the mousepointer is over a button on the toolbar.

Show in SystemTray

If activated, a little BlogDesk icon will be shown in the System Tray. When minimized, you can click on this icon to reactivate BlogDesk.

Debug information file

Insert or select a file if you want BlogDesk to save debug information when publishing a post to the server. This information can help solving problems. BlogDesk will append those informations at the end of the file. Since the file will grow continuously you may want to delete it from time to time.



User interface

Here you can select the language for the user interface (menu, dialogs etc.). Maybe you'll find other available languages at www.blogdesk.org.


The Help is shown whenever you press the F1 key. Here you can select its language.